Last night at dinner, a religious argument broke out across the table. It was between my younger (21yo) son on one side, and my older (23yo) son + GF on the other.
They were arguing passionately about which was better: Ubuntu or Fedora.
Friggin' fanatics.
Well, that is actually a deep difference. If "Ubuntu" is, say "Catholic" then "Debian" is "Abrahamic." Fedora is something totally different.
You are fortunate there was not a Gentoo-ite at the table.
Oh, by the way, I stol ur picter
I'm flattered, Greg ;-). That's the result of about an hour of me fumbling to improve my rudimentary GIMP skills....
This may have been easier: http://www.kscakes.com/LolCats/
And for the record, Ubuntu is WAY better than Fedora.
You should have told 'em to buy a Mac with OSX and be done with it :)
Curtis - haha, us and whose bank account? Besides, osx doesn't have nearly as nice a package manager as Ubuntu/Debian.
-Adina (the GF)
Ubuntu is much better of course. But Windows kicks all yer arses. :-)
-- Anonymous coward who loves his Windows.
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