Sure, the Darwin fish is a joke, and a clever one at that. But most committed Christians, especially fundagelicals, are not known for their sense of humour - they take themselves very seriously, and often expect that others see (or should see) the world in simple black and white, just as they do. So, a Christian puts a fish on his car - maybe just the icon, or maybe it contains "Jesus", or the Greek acrostic "ΙΧΘΥC" (Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour). By this they identify themselves as followers of Jesus. Then the Christian sees a car decorated with a fish (with feet - yay tiktaalik) that says "DARWIN". The logical deduction: Jesus:Christian::Darwin:Atheist. Not true, of course, but hard to fault them for reaching that conclusion.
(I prefer the fish with "GEFILTE" inside - now that's really funny, and unambiguous enough even for the Christians.)
Gefilte fish goes great with horseradish. I wonder if it'd go well with Wasabi?
Gefilte fish goes great with horseradish. I wonder if it'd go well with Wasabi?
Gefilte sushi? (I think my Bobie's chrain could hold its own against most wasabis I have encountered.)
It seems to be part of the "we're being prosecuted" mentality.
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